The Process of…Reflecting
“Any New Year’s Resolutions this year?” It’s become a cliché question around this time of year, every year. But I have also never found the new year to be a particularly good time for me, personally, to set goals.
My Experience(s) with Burnout
I decided it would be fitting (if not ironic) to reward myself for my one-year blogging anniversary with a post on burnout. I felt like my transition to private practice mimicked a lot of the struggles my clients face in really figuring out the question, “what do I want?”
Election Reflection
It’s so hard to make sense of what we, as a collective country, went through during this presidential election cycle. It is now over, and I can not help but write about my experience as a therapist and what I was met with over the course of the last week.
Process vs Product... My First Post
People kept telling me: “you need to start blogging.” Maybe they are truly fascinated by the things that come out of my mouth that they think I should put pen to them.
Lessons and Mindf*cks
Just because lessons can be learned does not mean that those learning should also have to feel blame and that this post is not meant as a blame-casting exercise. But, I have been sitting with this sense of lessons.
Practice in the Time of COVID-19
An Open Letter to My Client… As we’ve come to expect over the last few years, the news moves fast.